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I'm going to write a course about how to be a great first-time manager as you build yours!

Your subject: ****

Learning objective: By the end of the course, what can people do differently as a result of what they've learned?

Arist courses start with what would this course be incomplete without rather than what should it include? Our learning objective lets us answer "What's the smallest amount of content I need to be successful?" We can build from there.

By the end of this course, my learners feel more comfortable being a first-time manager

Your Learning Objective:

Success criteria: The above sounds great - how do we measure it? I'll know we've hit our learning objective if people (log their OKRs, which I can see in our system) (feel more comfortable having inclusive conversations in the workplace, which I can measure)

On the first and last day, I'm going to ask "On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how would you rate your feeling of preparedness for being a new manager?"

Your success criteria:

Now we can break down our learning objective into sub-goals we may need to achieve to get there. Consider the fewest number of things it would take to hit the learning objective. In my example, I know that good first-time managers know what type of manager they are, understand basic project management to keep things running smoothly, and can handle a few common managerial scenarios.

First, we're going to break down our learning objective into sub-goals that are what build to our main learning objective. For me, this looks like:

By the end of this course, my learners feel more comfortable being a first-time manager, which I believe will happen if they can: